Santa is Jesus


Written by all-round scientist Johan Oldenkamp, PhD, founder of Wholly Science



The name “Santa Claus” originates from “Saint Nicholas”. In Dutch, this name changed from “Sint Nikolaas” into “Sinterklaas”. A Dutchman brought the idea of this personage to the United States of America. The first part of the Dutch word “Sinter-klaas” being “Sinter” became “Santa” in English, and the second part of “Sinter-klaas” being “Klaas” became “Claus”.


First of all, this character named “Saint Nicholas” never existed as a man. Obviously, no historical reference to this personage could therefore be found. Just like Jesus (link), Santa Claus is a personification of the sun Helios. Santa’s white hair all around his round face represents the sunrays going in all directions. Next to the color white, the abundant use of the color red represents Helios’ color during sunset.


The number of twelve is tightly connected to both Jesus and Santa. Both the twelve apostles around Jesus and the twelve days after Christmas refer to the twelve star signs of the Zodiac around Helios. Next, Santa has eight reindeer. These eight reindeer represent the eight planets of our planetary system, being Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Later, a ninth reindeer was added, named Rudolf. This red-nosed reindeer represents the celestial body nowadays commonly known as Planet X, in which the “X” both means “unknown” as it is a reference to the Roman numeral ten. This is indeed the tenth heavenly body when we also count our home planet Terra. In his book “The Twelfth Planet”, Zecharia Sitchin (1920 – 2010) also counts the sun Helios and the moon Luna as planets, resulting in a total of 12 heavenly bodies (from our perspective) in our solar system. In this book, Sitchin translated the Sumerian name of this Planet X as “Nibiru”. This celestial body does indeed seem to be red, just like Rudolf’s nose.


In the original version, Saint Nicholas was accompanied by Black Jacks instead of reindeer. Also in that version, these Black Jacks are the personifications of the planets. As these planets do not emit light themselves, they are black, in contrast to the white Nicholas, who is the personification of the light-emitting sun Helios. This means that in no way these Black Jacks represent humans with a darker skin. This story is after all not about human beings, but about celestial beings.


There is even further evidence that supports the conclusion that Santa is a personification of the sun Helios. In the period of his annual return, we decorate an evergreen needle-leaved tree with lights and baubles. This tree symbolizes the family tree of the sun Helios. The ornament at the top represents Helios, as it is his family tree. The baubles represent his offspring, being the planets of our solar system. When these planets reflect the sunlight, they becomes star-like lights themselves. That is why we also put lights on the branches of this (family) tree.


Within our homes, the fireplace fulfills the outdoor role of Helios. It both illuminates and heats the room. Every year on December 25, Helios starts again with giving us a little more daily light each following day. We celebrate that annual celestial present by giving each other presents near the fireplace. Only after sunrise of December 25, it is allowed to unpack these presents.


Wholly Science is the reunification of pure science and true service to God. Wholly Science shows that the number of Cosmic Laws at the fourth heaven (counted from below) ruled by the sun Helios is 6. You find the proof for that in my book entitled “Understanding God – the Wholly Science Handbook”. Together with the six Cosmic Laws of the (three) heavens higher then this (fourth) heaven of our solar system, there are in total 12 Cosmic Laws operative at this level. That is why Helios is personified as Jesus is surrounded by 12 posts (or a-post-les) and Helios personified as Santa Claus is followed by 12 days. Also the total number of celestial bodies in our solar system from our perspective is 12 according to “The Twelfth Planet”. The 12th day after Santa’s return is the 6th of the new year (known as Epiphany, meaning “manifestation”; and indeed any manifestation requires a full circle of 12 phases for its completion). Furthermore, this 12 is also a direct reference to 6. The presumed anniversary of Saint Nicholas’ death was 12/6 (meaning: December 6), which is again a reference to both numbers of Cosmic Laws at this level, being 6 (specific to this level) and 12 (the total at this level). That is why, in the Netherlands, people give each other presents after the sunset before 12/6.


For the very first time, this article explains remarkably easy the hidden logic of all this by simply applying Wholly Science. In order to learn more about Wholly Science, visit (link), the Wholly Science website.



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o        Santa is Jesus (link)


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© December 11, 2013 – : Wholly ScienceJohan Oldenkamp


This article is also available in Italian (link) and in Dutch (link).