

The Wholly Encyclopedia



Celestial Gods


The central star in our solar system is named “Helios” by Wholly Science. Helios is the Sun God. Helios is the King of the Day. His color is gold.


The moon orbiting our home planet is named “Luna” by Wholly Science. Luna is the Moon Goddess. Luna is the Queen of the Night. Her color is silver.


The ancients also worshipped the planet we life on as a Goddess. In Ancient Egypt, this Goddess was known as Taurt, which became in English “the Earth”. The Ancient Greek named this Goddess Sophia, meaning “wisdom”. The name of our home planet in Wholly Science is “Terra”, which is Latin for “earth”. The metal corresponding to this Goddess is bronze, though bronze is actually an alloy of mainly copper and tin.


In the Olympic Games, there are three types of medals, where “medal” refers to a type of “metal”. The gold medal represents Helios, the silver medal represents Luna, and the bronze medal represents Terra.


The slowest heavenly body visible to the naked eye from the surface of our home planet moving in front of the fixed stars behind him is the planet Saturn. In Ancient Greece, he was known as the god Kronos (also spelled Cronus). The word “chronology” originates from this ancient name. Saturn or Kronos is the Lord of the Rings. His metal is lead, and his color is black.


In ancient Mesopotamia, the Moon Goddess was named “Sin”. The name Sinai (both desert and mountain) originates from Sin, the Moon Goddess. Furthermore, the word “sinner” simply referred to any worshipper of Sin. To used one letter in order to refer the Moon Goddess, this would be the “i” [9] in the middle of Sin, as the dot at the top of this vowel represents Luna. In Ancient Egypt, the Moon Goddess was named “Iah”, staring with an “i”.


In Ancient Egypt, the Sun God was named “Ra”. We can even refer to the Sun God with a single letter, namely the “X” [6], as this letter represents the cross of the Zodiac. Also the Greek word ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ (pronounced as “Christos”) starts with an X, which is the Greek letter Chi. How many flags do you know that depict a cross, or even multiple crosses?


In Ancient Phoenicia, Saturn was named “Elus” or “El”. As Saturn is the farthest away of the seven Gods seemingly orbiting around Terra, El is commonly considered to be the oldest Deity. To used one letter in order to refer this farthest Deity, this would be the “L” [3], as the pronunciation of this letter equals El.


The combination of three ancient names for Luna, Helios, and Saturn results in Iah-Ra-El. In order to also honor the Goddess Isis (corresponding to the star Sirius), the name “Iah” was changed into “Is”. That is the true origin of the name “Is-Ra-El”. With this name, Wholly Science does not refer to the unlawful occupation of a part of the land formerly known as in Levant, later known as Canaan. This name only refers to the trio of Luna, Helios, and Saturn.


Our real Father in Heaven is Helios, the sun of God. The Latin “sol” means “sun”. The ancient Seal of Solomon symbolizes this Sun God. That is why this symbol is a 6-pointed star. The name Solomon consists of three parts, just like Israel, and each of the three parts of Sol-Om-On refer to Helios: Sol (Latin), Om (Sanskrit), and On (Ancient Egypt). “On” was the name of a city in Ancient Egypt, named Heliopolis by the Ancient Greek. Both “On” and “Heliopolis” mean “City of the Sun (Helios)”.


Judaism has corrupted this knowledge by worshipping Saturn instead of Helios. As Saturn is furthest into dark space of the seven Gods, Judaism decided to use the color black to refer to Saturn. That is also why Judaism claims that the Day of Saturn (meaning Saturday) is the Day of the Lord, and not the Day of the Sun God. Judaism is therefore the religion of the planet Saturn. That is why Judaism use the color black so much, and why all its celebrations occur after sundown. The triangle represents the 3 essence of Saturn. As a reference to the rings around Saturn, Jewish men wear a kippah or yarmulke on the top of their head. Judaism started as a moon-worshipping religion. Luna’s name “Iah” (Ancient Egypt) became “Yah” in Hebrew, and later changed into “Yahweh”. And the original word “Sin Agoge” meant the house for the Moon Goddess. In Judaism, Sin is thought of as a male god. Ever since Judaism started to worship Saturn over Luna, Judaism placed itself under the rule of Rome. The original name of Rome was “Saturnia”, meaning “the city of Saturn”. Though the name of this city changed, the worshipping of the “black” Saturn remained until present day. That is why also the pope wears a yarmulke.


Christianity made matters even worse by pretending that Jesus was a human being, while in reality Jesus is a personification of the Sun God. In reality, Christianity is therefore the religion of the sun Helios. That is why believers in Christianity obediently go to church on Sunday. The word “church” is a reference to Circe or Kirke, the Greek goddess of magic. The words for “church” in several languages clearly show this reference: circe (Scottish), chiesa (Italian), Kirche (German), and kerk (Dutch). All churches are deliberately created in order to be able to magically befool ignorant believers.


Next to worshipping the Moon Goddess, Islam is also the religion of the planet Venus. That is why Muslims go to the mosque on Friday, which is the Day of Venus, the 5th day of the week. Islam has 5 moral obligations (known as the 5 Pillars of Islam), including praying 5 times a day. The pentagram represents the 5 essence of Venus. How many flags do you know that depict one or more pentagrams? Venus, Islam, and Allah are all 5-letter words (in the English alphabet). The (base-9) numerological value of both Venus and Islam is 9, connecting both words with the Moon Goddess. Ramadan is also the 9th month, and its lasts exactly 1 lunar cycle starting with new moon, as the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar. The crescent is all Islamic flags represent both Venus and Luna. As a reference to crescent, Muslim women wear a burqa in order to also conceal their face. During Ramadan, a Muslim is not allowed to eat while the sun is still shining. Only after sun set (and moon rise), Islam allows eating during that full lunar cycle.




Other names:

Sun, Sol (Latin), Om (Sanskrit), On (Ancient Egypt)


Metal: Gold (Aurum in Latin)



Jesus (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ in Greek, abbreviated as ΙΗΣ or IHS in Latin), (Amun-) Ra, Horus (both Ancient Egypt), Surya (Indian Vedas), Shamash (Mesopotamia), Utu (Sumer), Ahau (Maya), Apollo, Mithras (both Ancient Greece), Solomon (the trinity of Sol, Om, and On), Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas)


Day: Helios’ Day, Sun’s Day, Sunday







Other names:

Moon, Min, Men, Mon


Metal: Silver (Argentum in Latin)



Sin, Nanna (Sumer, Mesopotamia), Kephra (Ancient Egypt), Iah (Ancient Egypt), Selenê (Greek), Chandra (Sanskrit), Kingu (when it was still a moon of Tiamat)


Day: Luna’s Day, Moon’s Day, Moonday, Monday



Unicorn, scarab, cancer (or crab)




Other names:

Salbatanu (Sumer), Martis (Latin)


Metal: Iron (Ferrum in Latin)



Gugulanna (Sumer), Nergal (Babylonic), Ares (Ancient Greece), Mangala (Sanskrit), Týr (Old Norse)


Day: Mars’ Day, Týr’s Day, Tuesday (in French: “Mardi” from “Mars’ Di”, where “di” comes from the Latin “dies”, meaning “day”)



Eagle (Nergal is depicted as a double-headed eagle)




Other names:

Ninurta (Sumer)


Metal: Mercury (Hydrargyrum in Latin)



Enki (Sumer), Ea (Akkadian), Nabû (Babylonic), Budha (Sanskrit), Hermes (Ancient Greece), Odin (Old Norse), Wodan (Old German)


Day: Mercury’s Day, Wodan’s Day, Wednesday



Serpent (two entangled serpents, known as the caduceus)




Other names:

Sagmegar (Sumer)


Metal: Tin (Stannum in Latin)



Enlil (Sumer), Marduk (Babylon), Zeus (Ancient Greece), Brhaspati (Sanskrit), Thor (Old Norse), Donar (Old German), Saint Peter (Roman Catholic)


Day: Jupiter’s Day, Thor’s Day, Thur’s Day, Thursday (in Italian: “Giovedi” from “Giove’s Di”, where “Giove” is Italian for Jupiter)







Other names:

Dilibat (Sumer)


Metal: Copper (Cuprum in Latin)



Inanna (Sumeric), Ishtar (Babylonic), Aphroditê (Ancient Greece), Sukra (Sanskrit), Freyja (Old Norse), Diana (Ancient Roman)


Day: Venus’ Day, Freyja’s Day, Friday







Other names:

Zibanitu (Sumer)


Metal: Lead (Plumbum in Latin); Color: Black



El, Anu (Sumeric), Kronos (Ancient Greece), Sani (Sanskrit)


Day: Saturn’s Day, Saturnday, Saturday







Other names:

Earth, Geo (Greek), Geb (Ancient Egypt)


Metal: Bronze (Pyropus in Latin), an alloy of mainly copper and tin



Taurt (Ancient Egypt), Nuith (Ancient Egypt), Sophia (Ancient Greece; meaning: “wisdom”), Gaia (meaning “Mother Terra”)







Other names:

Wormwood (Bible), God(dess) of the Sea; her waters were known as Abzu or Apsu,

Nemesis (?), The Destroyer (?)





Phaeton, Vulcan, Rahab, Typhon, Tistrya, Yam (Levant), Poseidon (Ancient Greece), Maldek



The Chaos Monster (Mesopotamia), The primordial Mother Goddess (Sumer), Agathodaimon (winged serpent, after her destruction), Ouroboros

[see also PateoPedia: Human (Pre)History (link), and Sumerian Picture of Tiamat (pdf)]




Other names:

Sopdet (Ancient Egypt), Sothis (Ancient Greece)





Iset or Aset (Ancient Egypt, meaning “(She) of the throne”), Isis (Ancient Greece)





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© 2014 January 16 – : Wholly ScienceJohan Oldenkamp