The Truth Will Set You Free


We have probably all heard that the truth will set us free, as it is a well-known statement from the Bible (mentioned the Gospel of John). However, hardly anyone understands the real meaning of this very important guideline. Actually, this directive includes two steps:


1.    Discover the Truth, meaning make sure that you know the whole Truth.


2.    Apply the Truth in your own life, meaning right here and right now.



Step 1. Discovering the Truth


How to distinguish between true and false? If you cannot tell which is which, then you are hopelessly lost.


Gullible people assume that the truth is told to them by the “authority”. This “authority” are then those people whom these gullible people consider to be their authority. To these gullible people, authority has become the truth. Due to this mistake, these gullible people allow themselves to be fooled. Unfooled people know that only the Truth itself is the only real authority.


This means that discovering the Truth starts by rejecting any authority else then the Truth itself. Therefore, genuine truth seekers can and must only rely on their own discernment in order to distinguish the Truth from any falsehood.


Fortunately, the Truth is always:

1.    Factual

2.    Logical

3.    Simple


Thanks to these three distinguishing features, discovering the Truth is possible for anyone who really wants to discover it. Search, and you will find! Indeed, that guideline is also in that book.


The next question is then: How badly do you want to know the Truth? The so-called “truths” offered to you by the self-proclaimed “authorities” are always ready-made and easy to swallow. However, these fake “truths” lead you to the opposite of freedom, as these false “truths” detain you in a misleading perception of reality. As that perceived reality is then to be believed as real, this prison becomes unperceivable to those who believe in these false “truths”. In fact, their belief in these false “truths” keeps them captive.



Step 2. Appling the Truth


Applying the Truth is like building a house. But before you start building your own House of Truth, you must make sure that its foundation is solid as rock. Actually, that checking of the foundation is the first step. It is all about validating every single bit of your own understanding. As long as your understanding is not factual, logical, and simple, your foundation is still shifty as sand. Also this is mentioned in the Bible.


Only after you have discovered the whole truth in the first step, and you thus have found a solid foundation, then you can start to apply this Truth in this second step, in order to build your “house”.


My mission is to help others with taking the first step. I am doing that now for many years. Many of those who therefore were able to discover the Truth also wanted me to help them with the second step. However, we can lead a horse to the water (step 1), but we cannot make it drink (step 2). My services are therefore limited to the first step only.



Wholly Science


In order to assist others in taking the first step, I developed Wholly Science. Wholly Science explains the whole Truth about everything in a factual, logical, and simple way.


However, when you have been “cooking” ready-made meals all you life, preparing even an ordinary dish might seem rather complicated. The same is true for Wholly Science. In order to understand the Truth as offered to you via Wholly Science, you first have to reject everything that is not factual, logical, and simple. It is like forgetting everything that you know about ready-made meals when you enter a genuine cooking class. As a matter of fact, the old “truths” are equally valuable (meaning: worthless).


Lazy people prefer ready-made meals over self cooking, even if they know that it damages their health. When you are lazy, Wholly Science will not help you one bit in becoming truly free. Only when you are studiously and determined, Wholly Science can and will assist you in taking the first step.



False Beliefs


The main obstacle for taking the first step is the false belief that this step has already would have been taken. I have encountered so many people who have built very impressive houses of their own truths. However, they never bothered to check first the foundation before they started building their own way of understanding. When I then try to point out that they actually built their “house” on “sand” instead of “rock”, they feel insulted, and then mostly even start to attack me.


Therefore, the perhaps first question is:

Are you ready for Wholly Science?



Only after you have rejected everything that is not factual, logical, and simple, then you are ready for Wholly Science.


If so, I very much welcome you the, the Wholly Science website.



Click here to do the Conscious-Wakefulness Test in order to check your current foundation.



© 2015 January 3 – : Wholly ScienceJohan Oldenkamp


(This article is also be available in Spanish (link) and in Dutch (link).)