How to apply Wholly Science?


Step 1: Learn to understand Wholly Science

The fastest way for learning Wholly Science is by studying the latest book on Wholly Science. This book is available as a series of e-chapters. Click here to read more about this newest Wholly Science textbook of 422 pages with full-color images.


When you are unable or unwilling to buy these e-chapters, the click on the Wholly Science button to the left, in order to read previous e-books or articles for free or watch videos on Wholly Science.


Step 2: Learn to understand yourself

After completing the first step, you understand the principles of Nature. Next, in the second step, you examine the working of these principles through introspection. Wholly Science includes several self-knowledge methods to facilitate this introspection (as explained in ‘What is Wholly Science?’: link).


Step 3: Apply it in your own sphere of influence

As soon as you truly know yourself (meaning: as soon as you know your True Self), you have become your own Master. After mastering your mind, your sphere of influence can start to increase.


Do you require assistance in taking these steps, then click on the Service button or here.




o       Why Wholly Science? (link)

o       What is Wholly Science? (link)



© 2014 August 31 – : Wholly ScienceJohan Oldenkamp